Sketches 4 - Warnerburg

Looking at this creeps me out. It's like dreaming of something recognizable, but knowing that something's not quite right about it.

I originally thought I'd give Gunrick huge bug-eyes, but they always looked too weird. I kept toning them down until they looked like other characters' eyes (this shows a transitional eye-size).

I also thought I'd draw the Ranji comic in pencil, but I hated drawing on big pieces of paper, then trying to fenagle them into my small scanner. So now I'm "Wacko for Wacom" instead, or something like that.


In these notes I discovered an equation that works out to Infinity Babies and I got a Science Medal!

Looks like I'm about to stab somebody offscreen! Boy, is it ever good to be out of school.

A Brave Knight beshouldered with a squirrel!

My facial hair gives me special powers, kind of like Samson!

The drawings in the right column here are how I draw when I'm really tired and delirious.

hehe... Ranji looks cute this way.

Entity-Relationship Diagrams AND HEADS

Sometimes I spice up my notebook-drawings with a little SQL to make them SQ-licious.