04/09/19 - Raalvos Party Balcony
Lord Raalvos walks to the balcony overlooking his dope party. 🤘 From the Warnerburg comic, chapter 2!
I’m an introvert, and crowds drain me. I enjoy some crowded events like comic conventions – they make me tired, and I can’t spend a whole day at one, but I’m grateful I can still enjoy them. I do things to optimize the amount of time I can spend at them:
- Bring my own food, water, and canned coffee (instead of spending time in line with big crowds for gross, expensive food)
- Bring cash that I got before coming to the con (instead of waiting in line for an ATM at the con)
- Go to panels if I get tired
- Take a break in a less-crowded area of the convention center
- Go to high-traffic areas like Artist Alley earlier in the day, when it’s less crowded
How do you fare around crowds? Or: how do you deal with how draining it is to be around crowds?