Wizard boy’s doing his best, but his smile is kind of creepy 😬
This is my drawing for day 2 of #magicmanifestweek – “Shadows”.
I think the idea of this prompt is more about what shadows you need to face and overcome in your life. I’ve discovered and found ways of dealing with several things like that by seeing a therapist. Sometimes it takes someone else (hopefully someone smart) to help you see issues that need to be dealt with in your life (or just give you relevant ideas you can use to improve your life). I don’t think all my problems are fixed or anything, but therapy has helped me for sure.
I might need to do a post that goes into more detail sometime about CBT and ACT, two specific therapy things that I think are super helpful, even when used outside a therapy relationship. CBT helps me change my thinking in order to believe that positive change is possible and that I can do things to improve my life. ACT helps me do what I need to do in order to improve my life and expand my horizons despite my fears and other hangups. Check ’em out!
Magic Manifest week is an Instagram drawing prompt event. Check out the hash tag there for more info 🙂