Add some pops of color to your guillotine room - Warnerburg
04/10/19 - Add some pops of color to your guillotine room

Hey, are the walls of your guillotine room looking a little bare? I’ve got just the thing!

Do most artists have messy houses? I relate to the pile of clothes in this pic, maybe with a crate or empty can nearby 😅.

When I saw the anime “Recovery of an MMO Junkie”, I thought it sure would be nice if my “I like to stay at home” impulse came with a “I keep my home super clean” impulse… but I’d get so much less done if I was like that show’s main character and like, dusted things all the time 😅💦 …oh well!

If you’re interested in Warnerburg prints, come on down to my Society6 store! 😆

Cute Octopus:

Beetle Ride:


Or: See all the prints!

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