Tablet PC Sketches - Warnerburg
Sketches from college... made on a low-fi tablet PC WOOP WOOP WOOP WOOP WOOP get pumped

Since most of these were drawn around the notes I was taking, the pictures tend to be clipped. They propagated about the edges.

Maybe I should take a typography class or something... fix up that thar handwriting.

getting my draw on with the green-colored pen tool

My colors were limited in the program we used to take notes, so I made some funky colored things like this!

nyeh he he he...

This one makes me laugh every time


Singing and dancing prof! It was kind of him to provide the tablet PCs we used in class... although you can probably see what I used them for the most...

Hey, it's like that one guy from Galaxy Express 999... I love that guy...

all these knives and swords and violence and stuff

I was just trying to take notes guys.

Fewer lines!

Kicking it back with the highlighter tool

The man to the middle right brings up an excellent point.

If my dad had enormous ears, he'd sort of look like this. He's a radical dude.

Try doing this around your friends!

These two guys.

back view!

I say "whoa!" when I see this... kind of startling and detailed. Yee-haw!


How many of these are of people who are angry or frustrated? Do I secretly feel this way most of the time?

Love that guy...

"Rrrrg!" "Ooooog..."


Playing around with interesting colors is something I want to do more often.

I took notes this one time it was awesome you should try it

He's kind of tired and a bit afraid of all the people above him...

Oh no! Stop the hungry man!

Lots of my integrals end up looking like this...

The Galaxy Express 999 will take you on a journey a neverending journey!

The heads of beautiful women!

Some other heads!

Exasperation! Distress!

A suspicious-looking green, yellow, and blue man...

An angry dude with a sword - sort of a dude I know. (done in ArtRage 2)

My professor he is a ninja. (done in ArtRage 2)

I tried out ArtRage 2 to see what it's capable of - I made this using that - lines in ArtRage, then coloring in Gimp.

Here's the same thing but with shading instead of color - this was all in ArtRage 2

The green shape was a lake in these notes before it turned into a friendly man.

"Wow! Did he just he say he drives a truck?"
"Yeah, I think he did!"
"Draw him driving a truck, Paul!"


Hungry tall-headed men figure heavily in many of my models of holding tanks and things. He's hungry for knowledge, as am I!